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Covid Diet Goes Viral!

Updated: Oct 23, 2023

This piece of outstanding news will be greeted by those who have problems controlling their doughnut, coca cola, pizza consumption habits, are overweight, obese, and constantly carry around their rear-ends, a 'barge arse'!

Professor Jaggedone, nutritional expert, has discovered the best diet ever to hit the bellies of fatties hoping to lose a few kilos! Guys and girls forget the Atkins Diet, Beverly Hills diet, Cabbage Soup diet (baagh!), eating salads all day, becoming vegan, and starving yourselves to death; it don't work!

This diet will lose you kilos in a matter of days without noticing a thing, you will not be hungry, you will not crave for a Big Mac, fries, with a huge dollop of fatty mayonnaise, no, all you will notice is a massive headache, feeling total crap, and your only crave will be to lay in bed. The pounds and kilos just roll off your body without torturing your body, running to fitness clubs, jogging, doing press-ups, and any other form of exercise marketing fitness gurus force you into doing, and certainly no fake diet powders which taste like sawdust!

COVID DIET is the secret to becoming thin again without sacrifice and days of dreaming about devouring ice cream, cakes, chocolate, etc, while eating a lettuce leaf or a carrot! Those days are gone!

Now how to start this wonderful diet: Go to your General Practitioner (GP), let him or her pump your arm full with a covid vaccine, mingle in his/hers busy waiting room where patients are coughing and splattering, go home, feel lousy, jump in bed and the kilos will start dripping off your overweight bodies immediately. It's a win-win and as soon as the virus ruins your health, appetite, taste and smell buds, and sexual drive for three days you can look in the mirror and the new-look skinny version of yourself will make you want to have another dose of the covid vaccination jabbed in your arm!

After reading this fab, scientific dietary sensation GP's all over the planet will be inundated with 'porky's' demanding a covid jab. Professor Jaggedone can guarantee it works because I went through the symptoms of covid for three days without eating a morsel, then I looked in the mirror, touched my toes, and saw my 'willy' for the first time in 10 years, WOW!

Latest test Guinea Pigs after testing 3 days of Professor Jaggedone's sensational diet called; THE COVID DIET! It works as you can see!

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